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Excerpt of the rules of Sensha-do

This is a list and history of the Sensha-do Competition Regulations as specified by the Japanese Sensha-do League.


In 2012, a pamphlet was given out that contained an excerpt of the rules of Sensha-do.[1] This excerpt had a couple rules missing, such as 1-01 and 2-01. In late 2013, the 1st edition of the Oarai student handbook was released, which contained the full ruleset to Sensha-do, which is shown in this article. Every edition since then has also had the full ruleset to Sensha-do.

Rules of Sensha-do[]

Japanese Rule English
試合の目的 Section 1 Match Objectives
指定の競技において、指定された車輌数による二つのチーム の間で審判員の下に、本規則に従って行われる競技である。 1-01 Designated competitions, between two teams with a specified number of vehicles and under a referee, will be conducted in accordance with these rules.

試合の形式には殲滅戦とフラッグ戦の二種類があり、連盟により指定される。 殲滅戦の場合は、先に相手方の車輌すべてを競技続行不能にすることを目的とする。 フラッグ戦の場合は、予め設定された相手チームのフラッグ車を競技続行不能にすることを目的とする。

1-02 Competition Format

There are two formats for matches: Elimination battles and Flag battles. These matches are designated by the League. In Elimination battles, the objective is to render inoperable all of the opposing team's vehicles. In Flag battles, the objective is to render inoperable the opposing team's Flag Vehicle (to be designated beforehand).

勝利条件としては、 殲滅戦 フラッグ戦共に相手より早く上記条件 を達成したチームを勝者とする。 1-03 The team that achieves the objectives above before the opposing team, in both annihilation and flag matches, is declared the winner.
競技準備 Section 2 Competition Preparation

連盟は参加各チームに競技形式、並びに制限車輌数を明示しなければならない。 参加チームは競技者、参加戦車、並びにフラッグ車を記したメンバー表正副2通を試合前48時間前に連盟に提出しなければならない。 連盟は副メンバー表を相手チームに渡すものとする。

2-01 Membership list

The Federation must clearly indicate to each participating team the format of the competition and the number of vehicles allowed. Each participating team must submit to the Federation 2 copies of the list of members, indicating competitors, participating tanks, and flag vehicles, 48 hours prior to the match. The Federation shall provide the opposing team with the duplicate list of members.
No changes in members or participating vehicles are allowed after the submission of the list of members.


各チームの競技車輌数は各試合ごとに連盟が指定する制限車輌数を上回ってはならない。 但し、一方が制限数を下回る場合であっても試合は成立するものとする。

2-02 Limit on the number of participating vehicles

Each team may not field more vehicles than the number designated by the League. However, it is possible to field fewer vehicles than the designated number.


連盟が定めた競技場並びに認めた競技区域にて行う。 競技場は、試合前72時間までに規定の書式の地図(競技区域)、緯度、経度、気象状況が、競技者双方に提示される。 参加者は、提示後は競技場の状況を確認するあらゆる手段が許可されるが、競技場は提示の72時間前から提示まで完全封鎖され、その間は一切の調査を禁ずる。 競技場に異議がある場合は、提示後24時間以内に規定の文書を、連盟に提出する。 連盟は、その異議を24時間以内に審議し、異議が妥当と認めた場合はすみやかに修正を行うこととする。

2-03 Match location

The boundaries of the battlefield will be determined by the League. Access to the battlefield will be restricted 72 hours prior to the match. Each participant shall get maps and details of the area. There are also designated no fire zones especially in large populated areas like schools, malls etc. Should there be objections to the battlefield of choice, they should be forwarded to the League within the first 24 hours of announcement, upon which deliberation will be made.

用具 Section 3 Equipment

参加可能なのは、1945年8月15日までに設計が完了し、試作に着手していた車輌と、同時期にそれらに搭載される予定だった部材のみを使用した車輌のみとする。 それを満たしていれば、実際には存在しなかった部材同士の組み合わせは認められる。計画段階車輌に関しては、個別で連盟と協議を行うこととする。 但し、部品等が調達不能等の理由により再現が困難な場合は、連盟が認める範囲において改造することが認められる。

3-01 Participating vehicles' specifications
The only vehicles allowed to participate are the following:
  • Vehicles whose design was completed before August 15, 1945, the day of the Japanese surrender.
  • Vehicles that had begun prototype trials by the aforementioned date
  • Vehicles whose construction was planned using only materials available before the aforementioned date

Vehicles which meet these requirements must be confirmed to be constructed using materials that were available at that time. For vehicles that never advanced from the planning stage, the League will decide on their eligibility on a case-by-case basis. However, in the event that there is difficulty supplying the appropriate parts, the League may determine the allowable extent of reproductions and modifications.


協議に参加する戦車には連盟が公認する判定装置を搭載しなければならない。 また競技者保護のため乗員室は連盟公認の装甲材で覆い安全対策を施すことを条件とする。

3-02 Supplementary equipment

All tanks must be fitted with League-sanctioned referee equipment. As an additional safety measure, the crew compartments are required to be fitted with League-approved armored mantlets.



3-03 Permitted armament

All rounds are to be League-sanctioned live ammunition. Production of custom warheads or charges is not allowed.

競技試合 Section 4 Competitive match


4-01 Start and end of the match

Competitors shall enter the playing field upon the starting signal of the judge, and shall retreat to their respective grounds upon the stop signal. At that time, all competition is prohibited. Afterwards, the competition shall be allowed to continue from that point, even if all vehicles have not reached their respective grounds. On the signal to end, both sides shall promptly end the competition on the spot, and vehicles that are not disabled shall present an overhead angle to the main gun to indicate that they do not intend to continue the competition.


殲滅戦   相手チームの全車輌を競技資格喪失とした側を勝者とする。
フラッグ戦 相手チームのフラッグ車を競技資格喪失とした側を勝者とする。

4-02 Conditions for victory

In an Elimination battle, the team that renders all the opposing team's vehicles inoperable is the winner.
In a Flag battle, the team that renders the opposing team's Flag Vehicle inoperable is the winner, whether or not non-flag enemy tanks are still operational.



4-03 Removal from the match

If a vehicle is judged, either by the judges or the judging system, to be inoperable, the vehicle shall not continue the match. If, however, the judges or judging system do not declare a vehicle inoperable after an attack or accident, it may be repaired or fueled to continue the match.

  • 判定装置が競技続行不能と判断した場合
  • 競技者全員が戦車を降り試合放棄した場合
  • 審判員が競技続行不能と判断した場合(判定装置が競技続行可能と判断した場合でも、その損傷等の程度によっては審判員が続行不可能との判断を下す場合がある。)
  • 審判員が規則違反を認定した場合
4-04 Conditions for defeat
  • The referee equipment has determined a tank to be inoperable
  • All crew members have abandoned their tank
  • The Judges determine that a match can no longer proceed (in the event that the referee equipment declares a tank is still operable, the Judges may determine that the damage received is enough to render the tank inoperable)
  • The Judges determine that a rule violation has taken place

競技資格喪失条件に該当されると判断された車輌が競技続行可能である場合、車長は審判に競技資格喪失の撤回をアピールすることができる。 但し、判定が出てから5分以内に申し出がない場合アピール権は消失する。

4-05 Right of appeal

If a vehicle is judged to be inoperable and is able to continue, the commander of the vehicle may appeal to the judges to withdraw the decision. If no appeal is made within 5 minutes of the decision being made, the right of appeal is lost.

競技続行不能の判定が下った後は、以後一切戦車の操作をしてはならない。競技者は審判員の指示があるまで待機し、指令があり次第速やかに指示に従う。 4-06 On disabled vehicles

A tank may no longer participate in the battle after it has been declared "inoperable". The participants will wait for the orders of the Judges, and comply with them as quickly as possible.



4-07 Stopping and restarting of matches

A match shall be stopped and restarted both by the decleration of the judges.



4-08 Request for surrender

A team may request to surrender when it becomes impossible to continue a match, due to an accident or other reasons.

禁止行為 Section 5 On prohibited actions


  1. Using parts or equipment not sanctioned by the League
  2. Voluntarily leaving the competition area
  3. Firing directly on humans
  4. Attacking a vehicle that has been declared "inoperable"
  5. Disrespect towards the judges or other participants
  6. Actions that are judged to be "throwing the match"

Engaging in any of the above acts will result in disqualification.

補償 Section 6 Compensation
連盟が認可した競技試合において発生した、競技区域内での建造物、路面等の現状回復においては日本戦車道連盟がこれを補償するものとする。 6 The Japanese Sensha-do League will provide compensation for all incidents involving structures and for the restoration of the landscape within the boundaries of the competition field. Though the federation does declare to remove belongs from area if possible to avoid damage of prized possessions.

Additional Rules and Extensions[]

The ruleset above has been extended by fans through observation, and extended by additional Girls Und Panzer media. The following table shows these extensions.

Source Extension Rule
Fans 1-02 Tournament is a knock-out format. Round one matches are determined by random draw.
der Film 2-01 Changes to the type or number of participating vehicles on a team directly prior to the match are open to objection by opposition members.
Fans 3-01 Open-topped vehicles, including gun carriages, self-propelled anti-tank guns, and indirect fire artillery may be considered tanks, but require approval on a case-by-case basis.
Fans 3-03 The total number of rounds per team is limited.
Fans 5 Firing whilst within a ceasefire-zone
Saga of Pravda 24-02 On Foul Play
The usage of ground-based explosive devices, such as land mines, is banned during a Sensha-do match. In the event an enemy tank is knocked out by such a device, this knockout is to be ruled invalid and the side using the device immediately disqualified.